Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Become Netcontacts member and be paid N1,500 for each person you invite to register as Netcontacts' member. GO TO http://netcontacts.com.ng/invitation/?invitationcode=1333715720 now. Make at least 1.5 million naira monthly, by inviting 1000 persons to register as Netcontacts' members every month, from any town/city within Nigeria Netcontacts membership emerged from our desires to create an easy and legitimate money making opportunity for Nigerians, through the internet - like our simple method, if you invite me, I pay you; if I invite other people, they pay me. We therefore beg you, to pay the person who invites you to register as Netcontacts member. So that you will be also paid, when you invite other people. Please, see the payment as a sacrifice and as a contribution for us to help one another to raise money, in a country like ours - with high rate of unemployment and under-paid work force. If we think that our government is not helping? Now, this is our opportunity to help somebody. Pay N1,500 to the person who invites you to register as Netcontacts member and you will be paid also when you invite other people - this is a fresh hope! "Sky is our limit"

Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to generate FREE cash online with liberty reserve account. Earn over $30,000 in a month! incredible but real !!!

FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT TO START OR EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS Reading this, you can change your life style! It turned my own life arround… I came across this reading in one forum, and decided to try. Surfing the net I found an article, which said one could make thousands of dollars in a fortnight investing as little as $4… Things You’ll Need: * liberty reserve account, open it if you dont have. it is free, Please, read this twice! Follow the instruction, and you`ll start getting money. That`s very simple! It`s legal. And you have to invest only $4… IMPORTANT: It`s not a fraud, it`s not illegal, you risk practically nothing, and it works!!! ATTENTION: Follow the instructions EXACTLY and over $30,000 will be yours in 20 to 30 days. The system works very well thanksgiving to the honesty of the participants. Step14So, these are the 3 steps to success: 1. If you haven`t got the $4 in your liberty account, you have to create or open your own free liberty account at Liberty Reserve . Get acquainted with this system, see how it works and choose the variant that suits you and fund your liberty reserve account with a minimum balance of $5. 2. Transfer $2 to each of the 2 liberty reserve account numbers. 3 . Everything you`ve done – you have created a service and what you`ve done is absolutely legal. You ask for a legal service, and you pay for it. Send $4 to the following liberty reserve account ($2 to each of them): 1) U7122466 2) U7122466 Step 254 . Now erase the first account from this list, thus the list will go higher (number 2 will become number 1, etc.). And put the number of your liberty reserve account into line 2. Like this : 1 ) U7122466 2) Your liberty reserve number Here 5 . Make all the necessary changes, but try to preserve the main idea. Put this article to at least 250 forums and News Groups. Remember, the more forums you send this article to, the higher will be your income, and your income depends on you directly. Step 36This business goes on and thrives thanks to the honesty of the participants. So, by the time you reach the first position in the list, you`ll have thousands of dollars in your account! Remember tho, you must pay the first $2 first! And this costs $4 and simple work!!! Do it now – don`t put it off till tomorrow!!! Time is money!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. The First thing to do is highlight and SAVE this entire post in word or note pad on your computer so you can come back to it later. 2. Read through the programme very well so that you understand the way the system works. In my own explanation this is a Liberty Reserve system that yield the members money through compounding process. 3. If you already have a Liberty reserve account, proceed to the next step. If you don’t have, then go to Liberty Reserve and register. To fund your Liberty Reserve account or change your Liberty reserve money to physical cash you have to go to an exchanger. Liberty Reserve exchangers are available in most countries of the world, You can find exchangers in your country at Google. when searching with google type ‘Liberty reserve,exchanger, your country’ as keyword. ***. Remember to register under this link which already has a stronger and established network base. Here is a secret which you might end up finding out late: in this very business the stronger the network the more money everybody under that network makes. Don't try to re-invent the wheel just register and do your own quota as directed in this post and I promise you everyone will be smiling to the bank.5. Activate your account by paying onetime,lifetime membership fee of $4.then Go to the post that you SAVED in your word or notepad as was directed in step 1 and edit it as stated ealier. Go to any search engine such ashttp://www.google.com/, Yahoo!, AltaVista, MSN.com, etc. and search for subject of something along the lines of: “Millionaire message board” “Money making message board” “Money making discussion” “Money making Forum” “Online Job Forum” “Business message boards” “Money Making Forum” "E-gold Forums" "Liberty Reserve Forums"etc. Thousands of such boards will appear, all you have to do is go there register ,and start posting your edited post on as many message board as possible, 200 post are ideal and remember that the more you post the more you stand to earn. - Another way of advertising is joining social networking sites like hi5 | Your Friends. Your World., MySpace, | Make Friends. Make Money. Make Sense., etc. make friends with as many peoples as possible in these social networks site and introduce this business to them. - You can also get referrals by joining traffic exchange sites. Go to search engines and search for “Traffic Exchange”. Register and start advertising your biz. - You can also advertise by blogging. My favorite is'blogspot.com'. Blog as much as you can about this business. Post your edited post on as many blog as you can create. - You can post on classified ads site, Goto search engines and search for 'classified ads sites', register and post to as many of them as possible. - , The more active everyone is the more formidable the network will be, and the more money everyone earns. So all hands should be on deck if everyone should put in at least 1 - 2 hours/day of their time into this business for 2 months, then everyone will be closer to the $3,945,960+ mark.Note that no one will be there to supervise you, but the more you build your network ( starting from you down ) the more you get closer to the $3,945,960+ mark. Be honest with yourself, put in your best, having in mind that it is only you that can take you to the top.(2)For those that will want to register and post in a lot forums, the registration can be very stressful, so I recommend that you use roboformfiller from RoboForm: Password Manager, Form Filler, Password Management . The roboform filler is a free download .Download and install it in your system read how the software works from the tutorials provided there, then start registering and posting in a lot of forums, free blogging sites, classified ads site, etc, (3) FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! MAY I REMIND YOU THAT IT IS ONLY $4, EVEN A BUM CAN AFFORD THAT.I conclude with this: if you do as you are told, I promise you within few days, you will make your first money online and keep it that way for the rest of your life unless there is a total Internet Crash. See you at the top.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sex Abuse Victims Quotes

Sex Abuse Victims Quote the Words of Their Attackers The ‘Project Unbreakable’ was started by Grace Brown, 19, an art student from New York. She pictures sex abuse victims holding the posters with the words of their attackers. Grace thinks this will help the people to recover from their suffering by showing that those words are not kept silently within them anymore and no longer have power upon them.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Like pregnancy, vision and dream is concieved, but their conception takes place in the heart the headquaters of thoughts and feelings. A vision is a mental image produced by one's imagination or caused by divine inspiration to show a great perception of future developments. Paul Yonggi Cho said, "visions and dreams are the mother of faith". Vision is the power of seeing, the ability to see, think about and plan for the future. Dream in this sense will be seen in connection to a man's ambition i.e what he wants very much. You can make your dream work by not selling out to human ideas or experiences, your feelings, impressions, threats, thoughts, impulse and other physical and psychological situations which can easily maneuver you. Fear of failure imprisons and limits one's boldness ; it harangues one's vision to the corner. It is a yoke of stagnancy and it destroys vision. Fear of failure often grips those who have never tried anything risky before, out of other people's experiences or negative thought. It can also happen to those who have dared to try before but failed and are now depressed or those who though, are successful are afraid of demotion, as there is nothing to fall on if failure occurs. Those who are captivated by fear build a giant out of every little problem in life. It is not pride to have a vision or dream that seems impossible to men as long as it is God's will for your life. You can RECIEVE the dream that you PERCIEVE and ACHIEVE the vision you CONCIEVE...*

Cute Kids

New Alphabets

New Alphabets A is for apple, and B is for boat, that used to be right, but now it won't float! Age before beauty is what we once said, but let's be a bit more realistic instead. Now The Alphabet: A's for arthritis; B's the bad back, C's the chest pains, perhaps car-di-ac? D is for dental decay and decline, E is for eyesight, can't read that top line! F is for fissures and fluid retention, G is for gas which I'd rather not mention. H high blood pressure--I'd rather it low; I for incisions with scars you can show. J is for joints, out of socket, won't mend, K is for knees that crack when they bend. L 's for libido, what happened to sex? M is for memory, I forget what comes next. N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low; O is for osteo, bones that don't grow! P for prescriptions, I have quite a few, just give me a pill and I'll be good as new! Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu? R is for reflux, one meal turns to two. S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears, T is for Tinnitus; bells in my ears! U is for urinary; troubles with flow; V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy,' you know. W for worry, now what's going 'round? X is for X ray, and what might be found. Y for another year I'm left here behind, Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind! I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed, and I'm keeping twenty-six doctors fully employed!